Ultra-Trail® Guaraní is a non-stop race along roads and paths that link the four main trails of the Ybyturuzú Mountain Range, individually participated.
The New Race Date of UTG 2020

Guairá, April 27th
This is a difficult situation not only for the trail running family, but also for communities around the world. That said, the Ultra-Trail® Guaraní team knows that with the necessary measures in place, we will get through this period of adversity, and come out stronger together as a result. The race has been postponed due to the advance of the COVID-19 epidemic in our country and the latest decisions taken by the government regarding this case. We sincerely apologize for all inconvenience and concerns and ask for your understanding. Below you will find detailed information on all changes:
New race date
October 10-11, 2020 is the new proposed date. This late date is necessary to give us enough time to deal with the effects of the virus, reorganization of the event and to ensure that all mobility and travel restrictions in Paraguay are lifted. Due to the Smart Quarantine Plan, arranged by the Government, outdoor events will not be able to take place until the beginning of the second semester of this year. The plan begins on May 4 and will initially extend until the first days of July. Although we are confident that the event will be able to take place, any decision of the Government, regarding COVID-19, could impede the development of the event this year.
Runners who can take part in UTG 2020 on October 10-11th, can defer their existing registration to that date. You do not need to notify us; we will do this automatically.
Cancellation and refund policy
- Those who have registered can request a full refund by sending an email to info@ultratrailguarani.com until May 31st. The refund process will start from May 4th to May 31th. After this date, no refund request will be accepted.
- Those who cannot participate in the new proposed date, but have the interest at UTG 2021, may request the pass to UTG 2021 by sending an email to info@ultratrailguarani.com. However, they will need to register again when the registration process for UTG 2021 begins. The registration fee for UTG 2021 will be discounted. The amount for UTG 2021 will be announced in due course after calculating the costs of UTG 2020.The pass for UTG 2021 ends on May 31th, past this date, no application for UTG 2021 will be accepted.
- Those who do not submit their cancellation and refund request will have their registration automatically deferred to the new race date in October.
Registrations for new runners
Those who want to run in UTG 2020 in October and have not yet registered, the second stage of registration will be extended until July 31th.
All of us - the Organizing Committee, the rescue and assistance team, volunteers, local staff, the citizens of Independencia and Villarrica and their fellow runners thank you for your understanding and patience in these difficult times.
We hope that you trust us to hold a great race in October!
Best wishes,
The Ultra-Trail® Guaraní 2020 team
Amazing race, as wonderful as it is hard. The really beautiful landscapes!
Jorge Antonio Vera, via Facebook
I want more! ... I will be back. That says it all. Excellent the race.
Cristian Javier Azulay, via Facebook
Excellent race, signaling and hydration stations. Very good organization!
Edgar Peralta, via Facebook